Got a website? Improve 2FA for your users. 🚀 Replace SMS codes with better UX. Learn more

The 2FA authenticator for
your browser, secured with
your typing pattern

No need to use your phone to authenticate.
Get your 2FA codes directly in your Chrome browser!

TypingDNA allows users to verify their identity without having to whip out their phone.



Typing biometrics as a security layer

TypingDNA uses proprietary artificial intelligence to analyze a user's unique typing pattern. Your verification codes are protected by the way you type.

Sign in

Verification OTP codes in your browser

No need to use your smartphone to authenticate. Get 2-step verification codes directly in your browser.


One-click to autofill verification codes

Click the verification code in the 2FA Authenticator (by TypingDNA) to paste it directly into the required field on a webpage.

Code autofill

Secret keys vault

Securely store secret keys so you never lose access to your verification codes.


Just say Grab QR codes

Connect accounts that require verification codes with one click.


See QR codes

Easily backup secret keys on your phone authenticator app.

How it works


Type your e-mail and password


Typing pattern authentication happens in the background


See OTP codes. Click to autofill in desired websites

Securing your data with unique typing biometric encryption

TypingDNA employs your unique typing biometric pattern (the way you type) to create a primary encryption key for every registered user. This key is only accessible upon successful TypingDNA authentication.

This primary key, also called a “master key” is utilized for encrypting and decrypting your so called “secrets” (QR codes) which are stored exclusively on your local device. These secrets are used to generate the temporary 6-digit OTP/2FA codes required by your apps. It is advisable to maintain duplicates of your secrets and register QR codes within your mobile app as well.

It is important to note that some websites prevent texts from being pasted in the 2FA input fields from an app/extension, or even if they allow it, they will consider the code to be invalid, unless you type it char by char.

How to migrate

Here is a quick guide on how to migrate your secret codes from one account to another, including from Premium to Free.


Export secrets from old account

Log in the account from where you want to migrate your codes. This could be a Premium type of account (or a previous account) where you log in with your email and password, or it could be a Free account.

Once logged in, look for the "Export secrets..." option, that can be found under your codes list, or in your settings page (if available). Click the option and choose a path for your secret codes file.


Import secrets in your new account

Now, log into the account where you want to move your secrets (any type of account: Free, Premium, on the same PC or another).

Make sure you bring your secrets file with you if this account is on a different PC. Then, locate the "Import secrets file..." option and import your secret codes.

Note that the import will overwrite existing codes.

See quick guides on how to use with

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